| Financial Times (FT) 50 journals* : 3 | Category 4 of the ABS rankings** : 7 | Physics journals : 1 |
50 Journals used in FT research rank
Association of Business Schools ranking
(Category4 > Category3 > Category2 > Category1)
Hyeoncheol Baik, Sumin Han, Sunghoon Joo, and Kangbok Lee (Forthcoming),
“A Bank's Optimal Capital Ratio: A Time-Varying Parameter Model to the Partial Adjustment Framework”,
Journal of Banking and Finance.
Top-ranked Finance Journals in New York University (Top 9 journal list)
Patidar, N., Lee, K. B., Weech‐Maldonado, R., Bailur, R. P., & Rao, S. (2022),
"On the creation of free‐standing emergency departments by hospitals—Some insights",
Decision Sciences.
Elite journal; Auburn P&T document.
-Top 4 SCM journals - Empirically focused:
Barth, J., Lee, K., and Joo, S. (2022),
“Bank-Client Cross-Ownership of Bank Stocks: A Network Analysis”,
Journal of Financial Research.
JFR is category 3 of the Association of Business Schools rankings.
Woo, H., Chung, A., Richey Jr, R. G., Hopkins, C., & Lee, K. (2022),
"Product-flyer location and type of product categories in retailing",
Journal of Business Research, 138, 146-160.
JBR is category 3 of the Association of Business Schools rankings.
Song, J., Lee, K.-B., Zhou, Z., Jia, L., Cegielski, C. and Shin, S.I. (2021),
"Enhancing supply chain sensing capability through social media: an environmental scanning perspective",
Information Technology & People.
Information Technology & People journal is category 3 of the Association of Business Schools rankings.
Chung, A., Woo, H., and Lee, K., (2020) ,
“Understanding the Information diffusion of Tweets of a Non-profit Organization that Targets Female Audience: An Examination of Women Who Code’s Tweets”,
Journal of Communication Management.
Journal of Consumer Management journal is category 1 of the Association of Business Schools rankings.
Wallenburg, C., Lee, K., and Rao, S. (Forthcoming),
"On packaging and product returns in online retail - mailing boxes or sending signals?",
Journal of Business Logistics.
An elite journal in Auburn P&T document
Top 4 SCM journals - Empirically focused
Gruetzemacher, R., Paradice, D., and Lee, K. (Forthcoming),
"Forecasting Labor Displacement from Automation: A Survey of AI Practitioners",
Technological Forecasting & Social Change.
Category 3 of the ABS rankings
Lee, K, Han, S., and Jeong, Y. (2020),
“COVID-19, Flattening the Curve, and Benford’s Law”,
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications.
“A” level journal in Mathematical Physics
Ranked 20/227 (top 9%) in Category : Mathematics and Ranked 86/397 (top 27%) in Category : Physics and Astronomy
Most downloaded paper in 2020
Connelly, B. L., Li, Q. J., Shi, W., & Lee, K. (2020),
“CEO dismissal: Consequences for the strategic risk taking of competitor CEOs”,
Strategic Management Journal.
FT 50 journals; Category 4 of the ABS rankings
Barth, J. R., Hilliard, J., Jahera, J. S., Lee, K., & Sun, Y. (2020),
“Payday lending, crime, and bankruptcy: Is there a connection?”,
Journal of Consumer Affairs.
Category 2 of the ABS rankings.
Shaner, M. B., Fenik, A. P., Noble, C. H., & Lee, K. (2020).
“Exploring the need for (extreme) speed: motivations for and outcomes of discontinuous NPD acceleration”,
Journal of Marketing Management, 36(7-8), 727-761.
Category 2 of the ABS rankings
Lee, K., Joo, S., Baik, H., Han, S., and In, J. (2020),
“Unbalanced Data, Type II Error, and Nonlinearity in Predicting M&A Failure”,
Journal of Business Research.
An elite journal in Auburn P&T document; Category 3 of the ABS rankings
Chung, A., & Lee, K. B. (2019),
“Corporate apology after bad publicity: A dual-process model of CSR fit and CSR history on purchase intention and negative word of mouth”,
International Journal of Business Communication.
Mitra, A., Lee, K., and Subhabrata C. (2019),
“An Adaptive Exponentially Weighted Moving Average-Type Control Chart to Monitor the Process Mean,”
European Journal of Operational Research.
Category 4 of the ABS rankings
Bradley, R., Esper, T., Joon, I., Lee, K., Bichescu, B., and Byrd, T. (2018),
“The Joint Use of RFID and EDI: Implications for Hospital Performance,”
Production and Operations Management.
FT 50 journals; Category 4 of the ABS rankings
Connelly, B., Lee, K., Tihanyi, L., Certo, S., and Johnson J. (2018),
“Something in Common: Competitive Dissimilarity and Performance of Rivals with Common Shareholders,”
Academy of Management Journal.
FT 50 journals; Category 4 of the ABS rankings
Barth, J., Han, S., Joo, S., Lee, K., Maglic, S.*, and Shen, X.* (2018),
“Forecasting Net Charge-Off Rates of Banks: What Model Works Best?”,
Quantitative Finance and Economics.
* indicates a senior vice president and risk quantitative analyst at Regions Bank
IGP Grant, 2-Year Project on State Public Pension Plan ($46,400), Auburn University
Rao, S., Nilakantan, R., Iyengar, D., and Lee, K. (2017),
“On the Viability of Fixing Leaky Supply Chains for the Poor through Benefit Transfers,”
Journal of Business Logistics.
An elite journal in Auburn P&T document
Top 4 SCM journals - Empirically focused
Rho, E. and Lee, K. (2017),
“Gendered Networking: Gender, Environment, and Managerial Networking,”
Public Administration Review.
Category 4 of the ABS rankings
Zhu*, S., Song*, J., Hazen, B., Lee, K., and Cegielski, C. (2017),
“How Supply Chain Analytics Enables Operational Supply Chain Transparency: An Organizational Information Processing Theory Perspective,”
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management.
* indicates a doctoral student
An elite journal in Auburn P&T document
Rao, S., Lee, K., Connelly, B., and Iyengar, D. (2017),
“Return Time Leniency in Online Retail: A Signaling Theory Perspective on Buying Outcomes,”
Decision Sciences.
This paper nominated for Decision Science Paper of the Year
An elite journal in Auburn P&T document; Category 3 of the ABS rankings
Top 4 SCM journals - Empirically focused
Ki*, C., Lee, K., and Kim, Y. (2017),
“Pleasure and Guilt: How do They Interplay in Luxury Consumption?” European Journal of Marketing.
* indicates a doctoral student.
Category 3 of the ABS rankings
Barth, J.R., Joo, S., and Lee, K., (2017)
“State Pension Plans for Public Employees: A rough Road Ahead,”
Journal of Economics and Finance.
Noble, S., Lee, K., Zaretzki, R., and Autry, C. (2016),
“Coupon Clipping by Impoverished Consumers: Linking Demographics, Basket Size, and Coupon Redemption Rates,”
International Journal of Research in Marketing.
This paper is based on my final project from Dr. Autry’s doctoral seminars
Category 4 of the ABS rankings
Rho, E., Yun, T., and Lee, K. (2015),
“Does Organizational Image Matter? Image, Identification, and Employee Behaviors in Public and Nonprofit Organizations,”
Public Administration Review 75(3), 421-431.
Category 4 of the ABS rankings
Lee, K. and Lu, W. (2015),
“Do Bank Regulation and Supervision Matter? International Evidence from the Recent Financial Crisis,”
Journal of Financial Economic Policy 7 (3), 275-288.
This paper won a Highly Commended Paper in the 2016 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence